Scott Randy Gerber with his children Adrian and Danielle

Scott Randy Gerber with his Grandson Winston

Scott Randy Gerber with Friends at the Chairman's Ball in Saginaw, Michigan

Scott Randy Gerber with his sister Teri in Michigan

Scott Randy Gerber with a Michigan Icon and Co-Founder of the Bavarian Inn Restaurant Dorothy Zehnder.

Scott Randy Gerber with Randy Mantooth from the TV series Emergency

Scott Randy Gerber accepting a United States Congressional Tribute presented to him by U.S. Representative James Barcia of Michigan

Scott Randy Gerber with friends at a gathering at the Saginaw Art Museum

The Human Resources Department being funny. I think they wanted a free lunch.

Kayaking in Silver Springs, Florida

Scott With Ternell Phillips the Co-Host of The Tipping Point Tampa Bay

Scott Randy Gerber

Scott Randy Gerber with family and friends Kayaking